Brand Profile
<p class="tx_mn">In 2011, Osklen was named “Emerging Luxury Brand of the Year” in London and Oskar was ranked by the Fast Company magazine as the fourth most innovative person in Brazil and included among the 100 most creative business people in the world. In the same year, he was appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and one of the speakers at the International Herald Tribune Hot Luxury event. Still in 2011, he was one of SWU’s speakers, alongside Neil Young, Bob Geldof and others. He was appointed a Member of Inhotim’s Advisory Board in Minas Gerais, one of Brazil’s most important contemporary art collections and allegedly Latin America’s largest outdoor art center.In 2012, Oskar Metsavaht was invited to act as UNESCO’s official representative at Rio +20, occasion on which his Instituto-e designed the e-Prize, an official event award for sustainability, which honored some of the most important initiatives developed over the last 20 years since the ECO 92.</p>